I am currently sitting in a Super 8 Motel in Houston, TX. Drew has a job interview at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon at an oil and gas company and we came up the night before as a family to take advantage of the fact that they paid for his gas to come.
Gabriel is sleeping in the bathtub. In his pack'n'play. We had to put him in the tiny bathroom in order for Drew to watch the Mavericks game (which they won!!). Poor kid. We're about to move him out, now that the game is over.
I have mixed feelings about this job interview. Drew needs a job. He's been without one since the beginning of November. But if he gets this job, it will require us to move--for the third time in eight months--to Houston.
I don't want to move to Houston. I don't want to move at all, but especially not to somewhere outside of the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.
The metroplex is home. It's where family is, where our church is, where our friends are.
But at the same time, I know I have to be willing to let it all go if God is providing a job.
I just hate the thought of moving, of finding a new church and new friends. And of being four hours away from family.
Trust. Faith. I will need both no matter what happens at Drew's interview tomorrow.
Prayers are welcome, both for Drew's job and my peace at the outcome.