Saturday, May 29, 2010


Things don't always turn out how you plan them.  However, often the best surprises are born when you least expect them. :)

On Tuesday afternoon of this week, I visited my chiropractor whom I have been seeing weekly during the last two months of my pregnancy.  After adjusting me and taking a "look" at Gabriel, he informed me that, while my body was ready for delivery, the baby was nice and happy where he was and probably wouldn't be born until Monday, maybe Tuesday.  On Thursday, my midwife told me the same thing at my weekly appointment.

With that in mind, and with a four-day weekend stretching in front of us, Drew booked two nights at the Gaylord Texan for us to have a little getaway before Gabriel's arrival.  Before checking in, we ate dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse, one of my favorite restaurants.  We got to the hotel and checked in around 8:30 and watched the end of the Office before turning in around 9:30.  It usually takes me a while to go to sleep, and being at the end of my pregnancy was not helping matters.  It was around 10:45 before I started drifting off.  Just then, my water broke!

I woke Drew up after making use of the toilet and we made the decision to make the drive home.  Fortunately, the hotel gave us a refund, since we'd only been checked in for like 3 hours.  We made it home at around 12:15 and went to bed.  By this time, I was tired and had no trouble falling asleep.  About two hours later, I woke up with my first contractions.

Around 7am, we headed in to the birthing center and Gabriel made his entrance into the world ten hours later at 5:16pm... one day before his due date.

Drew's four-day weekend is proving to be most valuable now!


  1. Wow, girl, how are you even finding time to blog?? Good for you!;) Congratulations to you and Drew, baby Gabriel is beautiful!

  2. Jason just said "I should never go against a full moon". Congrats! How exciting! We will be back late Monday night then we need to head over there maybe Wed and bring you dinner. Let us know if you need anything.

  3. oh my, congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Drew!! :) :)

  4. I'm an aunt...but you're a mom! That totally beats an aunt! :) I love you sissy.



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