Tuesday, March 13, 2012

SoverM Week

SoverM.  Sisters over Misters.

That was the theme of the week I spent with my three sisters.  Poor hubby! ;)

Don't worry, we had lots of fun with him, too, getting my sisters hooked on Downton Abbey (his idea)!

Here's a quick post about our week together.

We made scarves following this tutorial found -- where else? -- via Pinterest.  We didn't use old t-shirts, but purchased some cute tanks from Wal-Mart for less than $4 a piece!

We did Bible studies.  One of my sisters taught a little bit about what she'd learned in a lesson from Beth Moore's Mercy Triumphs study on the book of James.  We told her that she was going to be the next Beth Moore.

We did watched this one do crazy things like hoola hooping in Wal-Mart.

We cooked.  A lot.

We made awesome SoverM t-shirts using my Silhouette and freezer paper.  They turned out awesome, as you can see!  (Also found these shirts at Wal-Mart for around $5 each.)

My son got a much-needed haircut from his hairdresser auntie.

 The same auntie made something special for Hallie-girl's room. :)

And, of course, we hung out.  Talked.  Listened to music.  Watched Downton Abbey.  Instagram-ed (obviously). Talked some more.

And Gabriel and Hallie got to know their aunties better. <3

Friday, March 02, 2012

Happy March!

Happy March, y'all!

March is my favorite month -- birthday and wedding anniversary!

Yesterday, I made chocolate chip banana bread.

Gabriel and I ate about half a loaf together after it cooled a bit.  Oops!

On Sunday night, three of my sisters are flying in for a girls week.  I couldn't be more excited!  The last time we did this was like four years ago!

Look how young we are! :O

I've got lots of fun crafts planned for this month... so stay tuned! :)


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