Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fingers Crossed

I'm BEYOND excited for the Silhouette Cameo.  Like I mentioned here, it's number one on my Christmas list this year.  Just looking at all the different stuff one can do with this amazing piece of machinery makes me go crazy!

So... I entered two giveaways for it today!  I know I'll probably be getting it for Christmas if I don't win, but I'd absolutely love to have it before Christmas.  I have so many gift ideas to make with it that will have to wait for next year's birthdays.  I'd love to make some for this year!

I've never won anything before, so I'm trying not to get too excited.  Both giveaways I entered already had over 2,000 entries. -sigh- Still... there's always the chance, right? :)

Anyway... I have more crafts to share, so expect another blog soon! 


  1. Good luck! I won a Silhouette this past summer by entering as many giveaways as I could (and I'm so not a lucky person) so if I can do it, you can do it!

  2. LOOOOOOOVED the gifts you made for the girls! I love this new you! It's like...I've known you are super crafty all along...but you're finally doing it! I so enjoy reading about your cooking/baking/art adventures. Thanks for blogging. :)



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